Enterprise 2.0

John Cleese gets Mashed

Over at Mashable they’re exultant to be causing consternation for Sir John Cleese (have they knighted him yet?) Apparently he’s the Number 3 Twitterer in the UK with Stephen Fry in the lead. Mashable take the number 2 spot.

What bemused me most, was one of the commentators quickly claiming that Cleese had ‘pulled a Kanye West’ by paraphrasing a Tweet made by a fake Kanye West of one Stephen Colbert. 

Confused, I most certainly am…who needs simulacra when this is cracking off?

Update: what’s even more disturbing is Cleese’s web site – Headcast. He’s charging $1 a pop for video downloads. There must be some mileage in making notes on Celeb websites, there really must…