Featured Articles Gallery

Social Business Gallery #3: Evolve to Enterprise 2.0 & more…

Gallery 3 in a collection of presentations and videos from some of the best E 2.0 minds, I collected together for a project at work. Now shared with a wider audience.

Previous: Social Business Gallery #2: Enterprise 2.0 Demystified & more…

Next: Social Business Gallery #4: Success & Struggles @ UBM & more…

Featured Articles Gallery

Social Business Gallery #2: Enterprise 2.0 Demystified & more…

A great Preso from Susan Scrupski @itsinsider to start off this Social Business / E 2.0 Gallery.



Social Business Gallery #1

These are a collection of really informative presos and videos I pulled together for a project at work, now sharing with a wider audience. There are some fine 2.0 minds out there!

Social Business Gallery #1
Social Business Gallery #3

Featured Articles Gallery

Social Business Gallery #1

This is the first in a collection of social business software galleries I collected together for a project I’ve been working on for the last 17 months or so. I finish in a couple of weeks and thought it would be useful to share with a wider audience. My selection criteria is simple – the presos and films are fun and educational.



A collection of Social Software Videos and Presentation #1

Trillions from MAYAnMAYA on Vimeo.

We Think

How will you manage?

More to follow…