Communications Featured Articles

What’s the aim of Internal Communications?

Over at LinkedIn I recently created one of their polls to elicit some information about what really drives Internal Communications. The LinkedIn poll widget allows one to solicit 5 possible answers to a question.  So throwing caution to the gales I asked “What’s the single most important aim of corporate Internal Communications?”

  • To inform employees
  • To create a shared vision
  • To increase productivity
  • To engage employees
  • To support the strategy

The results so far are as so:


This I found interesting. I don’t think there’s necessarily a right or wrong answer, but my reply would be “To support the strategy“. Why so? Well I think that ultimately this is what focuses internal comms. We have a strategy and we align our comms to it. Engaging employees is/could be a mean to this end. If we engage them for example in directions that aren’t the strategy then we’ve missed our target. At least that’s what I think, your chance to put me right below 😉


After writing this blog I added a question to the Melcrum discussion page on LinkedIn. A lively discussion ensued. You’ll need to be a member of the Melcrum group to participate.

Communications Enterprise 2.0

Top 10 Internal Comms / 2.0 Twitter List???

There’s a great post on TwiTip called Construct your own ‘Top 10 Must Follow’ List as it relates to your own Niche”.

Which is what I’ve done: my niche is internal comms and all thangs 2.0 and I’ve found some of the key players on Twitter. 

‘Ten People all Internal Communicators Should Follow on Twitter’

But it’s not up to scratch at all, as I’ve only got 6 peeps. So who else should be there?

Update: I’ve started a page as a more permanent list…

If there’s someone left out, let me know…